The reason for giving plants may be because most newlyweds don't have much furniture or household items yet. Also, plants are relatively easy to care for and can help create a beautiful home environment and bring nature into your life with their beauty.

Wedding gifts are an important part of the wedding process and can be used to express your feelings towards the bride and groom. If you're looking for a gift that isn't just a piece of paper with your name, consider giving plants. We have compiled a list of plants suitable as wedding gifts so that you can make a good decision when buying one for yourself or someone else.

Plants Suitable For Dark Rooms - Top Seven Plants - Fluerly
People often believe that the only places suitable for houseplants are those that are very bright and get sufficient sunlight as well. It’s comforting to know that this isn’t always the scenario.

Many plants make great wedding gifts. They can be an easy way to give a gift that will last and grow over many years. But not all plants are suitable for wedding gifts, so you must choose carefully. Here are some ideas for plants that will be sure to please any recipient:

Plants Suitable For Wedding Gifts – Some Commonly Used Plants

If you're planning a wedding and want to give your guests an alternative to the traditional gift, consider gifting your friends something beneficial for them long after they leave your celebration. A plant is a thoughtful choice for any occasion and will be enjoyed in their home for years. Here is a list of plants that are commonly used as wedding presents.

Bird of paradise

Bird of paradise

The bird of paradise is a popular wedding gift, as it has long been associated with love and beauty. Its lush flowers are available in many colors, making it an excellent choice for any décor scheme.

Peace lily

Peace lily

The peace lily is an excellent choice for a wedding gift. It's easy to care for and can last for many years, making it a great choice for an engagement gift.

Peace lily plants are best known for their beautiful leaves and strong fragrance. They require little maintenance, so you won't have to worry about remembering to water them every week or so!



Bromeliad is a tropical plant. It's very easy to care for and can live for many years. The bromeliad is a great gift for someone who lives in a small apartment and doesn't have a lot of space. It's also perfect if you want to give your friend or family member something that will last forever since bromeliads are very durable plants.

Rubber plant

Rubber plant

A rubber plant (Ficus elastica), the Indian rubber tree, is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for houseplant. It makes an excellent gift for anyone who loves plants but doesn't have a green thumb. Rubber trees are also a good choice for someone who lives in an apartment or small home; they grow well indoors.



Cacti are a great choice for those who don't have much time to care for a plant. They require very little water and can be grown either inside or outside. Cacti are also easy to transport, which makes them a great wedding gift choice.

Succulents (Jade Plant)

Succulents (Jade Plant)

Succulents make wonderful gifts for weddings, engagement parties, housewarmings, and other occasions. Succulents are easy to care for and low maintenance. Succulents do not need much water; and come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.

The Zanzibar Gem

The Zanzibar Gem

The Zanzibar Gem is a good choice for a wedding gift. It's also a great choice for an engagement or anniversary gift, making an excellent housewarming present!

The Zanzibar Gem is very beautiful, so your loved one will also appreciate the aesthetic value of their new plant friend.

In summary: Plants make great gifts because they're low maintenance, and you can give them any time! They'd be perfect if you want something longer than food but not as long as jewelry or other home decor items like paintings or vases that can break easily from being moved around too much (or even accidentally dropped). Plus, plants are just plain pretty!



Orchids make an excellent choice for wedding gifts, as they are easy to grow and care for and can be given in place of cut flowers. Orchids are available in various colors, including pink, purple and white. These plants are also very durable and require little water once they're established.

Rose Bush

Rose Bush

Roses symbolize love and romance. Roses can be a good choice for a wedding gift, but they're also easy to grow and care for and can be given in an engagement setting.

Ficus Trees

Ficus Trees

Ficus trees are a good choice for weddings, as they are easy to maintain and require little watering. They also grow best in low light, which makes them suitable to use indoors or outdoors.

Citrus Trees

Citrus Trees

Citrus trees make great wedding gifts because they're decorative and fragrant—not to mention that they're an excellent way to encourage your loved ones to take up gardening.

Requirements that Makes A Plant Suitable For A Wedding Gift

  • The plant should be easy to care for. If your recipient is taking care of this plant on their own, ensure they know how to take care of it before giving it to them!
  • The plant should be something that you know the recipient will enjoy. The type of plant should be based on the recipient's preferences (for example, if they have allergies or prefer flowering versus non-flowering plants)
  • The plant should be something that the recipient can grow in their home.
  • The plant should be something the recipient can enjoy for years.

Final Thought

Wedding gifts are an important part of the wedding process. With so many people attending, finding a suitable gift for everyone at your wedding party is difficult. If you are searching for a unique present that all will appreciate, consider giving plants as your present! Plants can be given in many different styles depending on where they will be placed and the occasion they are used for. We hope you will find this article helpful and get some ideas for plants suitable for wedding gifts.