We discuss the list includes many common flowers and rarer varieties. This list includes the scientific and Latin names for each flower in case you want to learn more about it. Some flowers that start with L include lily, lavender, lilac, lotus, and lily-of-the-valley.

Flower Names That Start With L - Providing The List As Under



Lilies are a large group of flowering plants in the family of Liliaceae. They are native to the Northern Hemisphere but are found growing wild in many countries worldwide. There are around 200 species in the genus Lilium, and horticulturalists have developed many hybrids. The most common type of lily is the tiger lily (Lilium Tigrinum). It has orange-to-scarlet flowers with brown spots on them.

Other common types of lilies include Easter lilies (Lilium Longiflorum), Asiatic lilies (Lilium Speciosum), Madonna lilies (Lilium candidum), and Japanese show lilies (Lilium Formosanum).



Lavender is a flowering plant. It belongs to the mint family. It is native to the Mediterranean. It has been cultivated since before the first century AD. It is now grown worldwide as an ornamental plant for its essential oil, which colorfully perfumes soap and cosmetics, as well as perfumes and aromatherapy oils. The plant prefers dry rocky or sandy soils but will tolerate a wide range of conditions, including poor soil. Lavender grows to 2' tall with slender stems and narrow leaves that are gray-green. In mid-summer, small violet flowers bloom at the top of each stem. The flowers are followed by small pods containing the seeds.

The name lavender comes from Middle English lavender or Old French lavender, both derived from the Latin Lavena nardus (cognate with nard), a type of perfume from India whose English name was spikenard (or spikenard). The name of the genus Lavandula commemorates this plant's fragrance.

There are many types of lavender, with wide varieties within each type; some are used for their fragrance, while others have medicinal properties.

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Tulips are famous for their vibrant colors. There are over a hundred species of tulips and thousands of different varieties. They form a symmetrical order which enhances the beauty of the garden. Usually, one stem has a single flower, but sometimes two or three flowers grow on each stem.



The lilac is a flowering shrub in the family Rhamnaceae. It was first cultivated in ancient Persia and is now widely naturalized throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Several species have been extensively cultivated and hybridized, with thousands of cultivars developed. Lilacs are planted as shrubs, often with many stems emerging from ground level; they can also be trained into tall tree-like shapes or used as hedges. Lilacs are spring-blooming and fragrant, and many cultivars offer a wide range of colors, from white to deep purple. The flowers are generally not large but have a strong fragrance that may stay for several weeks.

The most common species are L. Vulgare (common lilac) and L. odoratum (French lilac).

Lilacs can grow very tall - sometimes over 10 meters (30 feet) in height - but they are usually pruned into a more compact size for ornamental use. Other species do not require such pruning.

Most lilac species have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit in cultivation.



The lotus flower symbolizes purity and beauty, and it's not hard to see why. These flowers can grow up to three feet tall, with beautiful white blooms that appear in the summer and fall. Lotus flowers also have a long history in Asian culture; they're often used in ceremonies and rituals and for their medicinal properties.

There are more than 2,000 different species of lotus flowers around the world, but they all have a few things in common:

They have large leaves that grow up from the ground.

Their petals come in many colors — pink, purple, or white are the most common. Some varieties of lotus also have spots or stripes on their petals.

Lotuses have an unusual growth pattern: instead of having roots below ground like most plants, they have rhizomes that grow above ground and send out shoots which become new plants over time. Each rhizome has one main shoot growing up through it that eventually forms into a flower bud at its tip when it reaches maturity.

You should also know some delightful tulip gift ideas, read our blog about them.



The lily-of-the-valley is a small, white flower often used to symbolize innocence and purity. It has been used in wedding bouquets for centuries, but it can also be used as an alternative to roses or other flowers for everyday wear.

The lily of the valley plant has many names that all refer to the same plant. The botanical name is Convallaria majalis, which means "valley bell." Other common names include lady's slipper, May lily, or convallaria.

Lily of the valley has been cultivated in Europe since at least the 15th century, but it isn't native to North America. It was brought over from Europe by early settlers and has become established in some areas of North America.

Larkspur (Delphinium)


There are several different types of Larkspurs, but they all have similar characteristics. Larkspurs are well-known for their beautiful tall spikes of flowers that grow in various colors, such as white, blue, purple, pink, and orange. The plants can also grow wild in many parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, and North America.

Larkspur plants can grow anywhere from 6-24 inches tall, depending on the variety. Larkspurs are hardy plants that will grow well in most climates as long as they receive plenty of sunlight daily. These plants are great additions to any garden because they attract butterflies and bees while adding color to your landscape simultaneously.

Also See: Killing Stinging Nettles With Vinegar

Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia Esula)

Leafy Spurge

The Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) is a perennial weed native to Europe and Asia. It was introduced into the United States as an ornamental plant but has become invasive in some areas.

Leafy spurge is a deciduous perennial herb with a rosette of leaves at its base. The stems are greenish-yellow and covered with fine hairs. Each leaflet has three to five lobes, the central lobe being the largest, and a serrated margin. The stems may be branched or unbranched, usually growing to a height of less than one foot (30 cm).

Leafy spurge blooms from July through September with small white flowers that grow in clusters at the top of each stem, giving it the appearance of having multiple flowers on each stem. The fruit is an achene or 'seed.' The plant reproduces by seed and root fragments that can regenerate new plants from even small pieces broken off by wind or animals walking over them (rhizomes).

Leopard's Bane (Doronicum Orientale)

Leopard's Bane

Leopard's Bane is a perennial plant with a very beautiful flower. It is also known as Leopard's Bane, Doronicum Orientale, and Oriental Leopardsbane.

Leptospermum Scoparium

Leptospermum Scoparium

Leptospermum scoparium is a member of the Myrtaceae family and belongs to the genus Leptospermum, which includes more than 500 species of evergreen shrubs, trees, subshrubs, or lianas that are native to Australasia and South America.



Lettuce has wide varieties, including butterhead, crisphead, iceberg, looseleaf, romaine, and more. Lettuce plants have a large root system that grows best in loose soil with plenty of water and sunlight. It may also be grown indoors if provided ample sunlight through a window or artificial light source.

Flower Gifts - Send Exquisite Flowers To Your Loved Ones
Flowers are not only flowers. They are love, hope, sympathy, and the best choice for gifts to make people happy. When you want to express your heartfelt feeling to others, send them flowers. When it comes to gifting, flowers are the most searched-for item online. Flowers make a perfect gift

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia Triphylla)

Lemon Verbena

Aloysia Triphylla is native to South America but has become naturalized in many parts of North America. It is an evergreen shrub growing up to 2 meters (6 ft 7 in) tall with aromatic leaves used for flavoring drinks such as lemonade and tea. The flowers are white and borne in clusters on short stems.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm

It is known as Melissa officinalis, bee balm, and lemon bee balm.

Melissa officinalis is a species of flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region but naturalized in New Zealand and North America. It has been known by many common names throughout its history, including Common Balm and Lemon Balm. The word "balm" derives from Old French balsam (from Arabic Badham), meaning "balsam" due to the herb's pleasant scent.

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