Many names associated with flowers were inspired by love or romance. If this is something, you want to incorporate into your wedding day, here is a list of Flower Names That Start With M that may inspire you. In this article, we will look at flower names that start with M. These names are considered very feminine and classy.

Flower Names That Start With M - List Of M Flower



This flower is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It is also known for having a strong fragrance, which makes it an excellent choice for those with allergies.

Magnolia trees are usually 25 feet tall and can grow more than 30 feet tall. The leaves are large and shiny and can grow up to eight inches long. The flowers have five white petals that range from 3-6 inches across. These flowers bloom during the spring and summer months, though they may bloom sporadically throughout the year if conditions are right.



This particular flower is known for its bright yellow color and unique shape. It also has a pleasant smell, making it even more appealing than other flowers.



It is another name for Oregano, which is an herb that has a spicy flavor similar to thyme and oregano.



Mint is a type of herb with fragrant leaves that are used as flavorings in many foods and drinks.

Maidenhair Fern

Maidenhair Fern-

This is a flowering perennial cultivated since ancient times for its attractive flowers, which vary in color from white through pink and purple to red depending on the Maianthemum flower used. The flowers are borne on tall stems above large, glossy green leaves that resemble those of the maple tree (Acer).

Maki Grass

Maki Grass

This ornamental grass is also known as Japanese Bamboo or Nandina, a type of evergreen shrub that grows from 1-2 feet tall and has bright red berries that bloom from September through February. Maki grass needs moderate sunlight but does not like to be over-watered, so keep it on the dry side during winter months for the best results.

Maiden Grass

Maiden Grass-

This hardy perennial grass comes in many colors, including blue, pink, and white. It grows best in full sun but will tolerate a little shade here and there and in most soil conditions. Maiden grasses make excellent lawn substitutes due to their low maintenance requirements and drought-tolerant nature once established (which takes about 3 years).

Meadow Bistort

Meadow Bistort

Meadow bistort is a perennial herb that grows in the wild. It has pink or white flowers and can reach up to 6 feet. The plant is native to North America and Europe, but it's been introduced to many other regions as an ornamental plant.

Maiden Pink

Maiden Pink

Maiden pink is a low-growing perennial that produces clusters of small, pale pink flowers on long stems. It grows well in sandy soil and prefers partial shade, making it a good choice for planting under trees. This plant can spread rapidly by seed, so it's best to contain it by planting it in containers or using barriers around its roots.



Myrtus is a fragrant evergreen shrub with glossy leaves that grow up to 6 inches long. It produces clusters of small white flowers during summer and fall, attracting butterflies and bees when they're blooming. Myrtle plants are often used as hedges or groundcovers because they're easy to maintain and don't require much maintenance once established.



The mimosa plant is a flowering tree used throughout history as an ornamental. It is native to the tropical regions of South America, Africa, and Asia. The name "mimosa" comes from the Greek word "mimozein," which means "to mimic." This refers to its tendency to droop its leaves when touched or shaken.

Mimosas are considered leguminous plants because their roots form nitrogen-fixing nodules with bacteria. These nodules help them grow in poor soil conditions and reduce their need for fertilizer.



The matucana is a flowering plant native to South America and belongs to the Asteraceae (daisy) family. Its common name is "queen of the Andes" due to its popularity among Peruvian royalty during colonial times. It grows about 12 inches tall and produces yellow flowers that resemble daisies but feature more intricate petals and darker centers. The matucana can grow wild in many parts of Peru today, including Lima and Arequipa, along with other mountainous regions such as Ayacucho or Junin.



Malva is derived from the Latin word malvus, meaning "mallow," a type of herbaceous plant in the mallow family. Malva was once considered an important food crop and has been used in herbal medicine since ancient times. Malva is also a great choice for children with allergies because it can be used as an alternative treatment for hay fever symptoms.



Monarda is a genus of plants in the mint family. Monarda (also called Wild Bergamot) is a hardy perennial that can grow up to three feet tall, although it usually stays closer to two feet. The flowers are tubular and can be red, pink, or purple.

Million Bells

Million Bells

This plant is a variety of the bellflower family that blooms from spring through fall with large clusters of bell-shaped flowers on tall stems. It grows well in partial shade but needs full sun for the best bloom. Plant it in moist soil and water frequently when it's actively growing.



Manzanita is a woody shrub with small leaves and red bark native to California's chaparral region. This plant can grow up to 15 feet tall outdoors and often reach only half that height indoors or in containers. Manzanita makes an excellent ground cover if you live in an area where temperatures get cold during winter months because it requires little care once established and has no pests or disease problems to worry about.

Moss Phlox

Moss Phlox

Phlox subulata is a species of flowering plant in the family Polemoniaceae. Carl Linnaeus first described it in Species Plantarum in 1753. The specific epithet subulata is Latin for 'with small leaves.

The common name Moss Phlox refers to its low-growing, mat-forming habit, which can produce carpets of foliage several inches thick. The leaves are ovate and serrated. The flowers are white or pink, with five petals, each about 0.4 inches (1 cm) long. They are produced from late spring through early summer.

Moss Rose

Moss Rose

Rosa' Moss Rose' is a large shrub rose with dark green foliage and large semi-double flowers with a dark crimson center and dark red edges, which appear over some time from early summer through to autumn. It is a hybrid cultivar derived from Rosa' Madame Alfred Carriere' and Rosa moschata.

Marvel of Peru

Marvel of Peru

This flower is native to South America and can be found in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay wild. A member of the "lily family" (Liliaceae), this plant is a perennial bulb that grows up to two feet tall. The flowers are usually yellow but can also be white or pink.



This plant is also known as "speedwell" or "basket-of-gold" and is part of the genus Mazus in the snapdragon family (Scrophulariaceae). It is native to Asia and Europe and can grow up to one foot tall. The small flowers that bloom on this plant can be found in shades of reds, blues, pinks, or whites.



This plant is also known as the "peacock flower" or "sunshine flower" and comes from the lily family (Liliaceae). It is native to South America but can now be found growing worldwide due to its popularity as an ornamental plant. Matucana blooms in shades of yellow with orange centers and leaves striped with green lines on top.

Mazus Japonicus

Mazus Japonicus

A native of Japan, this plant produces clusters of white flowers in late spring or early summer. It has small leaves and grows between two and five feet tall.

Meconopsis Grandis

Meconopsis Grandis

Also known as blue poppy, this flower produces pinkish-purple blooms during the summer months (July through August). The plant is native to China and grows at high elevations (above 10,000 feet).