These flowers were traditionally used to make wine, but today, they are mainly used as decoration because they don't smell good!

Purple flower vines can add color to your garden or use them as an ornamental plant. You'll find that these plants are easy to care for and grow quickly.

This article will throw light on some characteristics and types of purple vines. If you have yellow flowers too in your lawn, you can learn about them in our guide.

Purple Vine Flowers – Some Characteristics

  • These are a type of flowering plants found in tropical and subtropical regions. The plants grow up to 15 feet high, producing clusters of purple flowers during summer. Purple vine flowers are maiden wreaths with many common names, including tomato vine, moonflower, or wild potato vine.
  • These flowers can be grown in all climates but do best when planted in full sun on well-drained soil with plenty of water after planting. They will bloom from spring through fall and have an edible fruit that is green when immature but turns red when it ripens; the plant also produces small round seeds inside a brownish paper-like pod which splits when ripe revealing black seeds surrounded by white fluff.
  • Purple Vine Flower has yellowish-green leaves with pointed tips and heart-shaped leaflets. The leaves are attached directly at the stem rather than at the base of the leaf-like other vines, such as morning glory, where the leaf connects to the main stem.
You may also see our blog about Sunflower seeds: Why Are My Sunflower Seeds White? – Let’s Explore

Purple Vine Flowers – Climbing Varieties

Purple vine climbing flowers are a type of vine flower that has purple flowers. They are not a specific type of vine flower, but rather, they come in wide varieties. Purple vine climbing plants can be used as ground cover or in hanging baskets.

They need to be watered regularly to thrive; some varieties are more drought-tolerant than others.

Hyacinth Bean Vine

Hyacinth Bean Vine

The Hyacinth bean vine is a unique flower that can be grown in almost any climate. It's known for its beautiful purple flowers and can make a great addition to any garden. This plant's name comes from the Greek word hyacinths, which means "beautiful."

In ancient times, it was used as an offering to Apollo, who they believed had healing powers because of his association with music and poetry. The Greeks would grind up this flower and use it in perfumes and incense. You don't have to crush these lovely blossoms, though—they smell amazing on their own! See the list of suitable plants for tall narrow pots if you want to make some awesome additions to your garden.



Passionflower is a tall, woody vine with white and purple tubular flowers that resemble lilacs. It blooms best in full sun to partial shade, where it will grow up to 30 feet tall. The passionflower prefers moist soil but can tolerate dry conditions as well.

The main thing you need to know about growing this plant is that it requires special care: its seeds must be scarified (scratched) before planting so they can germinate properly. If you need more time for such care, try buying seedlings instead of starting from scratch!

You can also visit our guide about Topiary plants: Best Topiary Plants For Pots - You Should Know



Clematis is a vine with blue, pink, and white flowers. It can be planted to climb a trellis or grow along a wall. Clematis can also be grown in containers or as a ground cover around an entrance or patio.



Wisteria, also known as American wisteria or Kentucky wisteria, is a vine that grows in USDA zones 5-8. This wine can be grown as a small tree or climber and produces large clusters of purple flowers with yellow centers in spring and summer. Wisteria can be grown outdoors in summer or indoors all year long, making it ideal for home gardens.

When planting your wisteria, ensure it has plenty of room to grow; the vines will easily take over large spaces if not regularly pruned. If you're growing your plant outdoors and want to encourage blooms on one section while retaining the climbing branches on another part of your property (or if you need more space), train them up walls or fences using stakes at each end.

You can visit our blog if you want to learn about different types of flowers.

Trumpet vine

Trumpet vine
Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) is a climbing vine that grows in the eastern United States. The species has dark green leaves and purple to white flowers, depending on the cultivar. Trumpet vines grow quickly and can reach heights up to 50 feet long and 12 inches wide. They're fast-growing plants that climb by twining their stems around trees. The flowers are edible and high in vitamin C, making them useful for juicing and eating fresh (though they may cause allergic reactions).

To encourage blooming every year from spring through fall, prune trumpet vine vines in late winter or early spring after leaf drop but before new growth begins.

Morning glory

Morning glory

Morning glory is a climbing vine that can grow up to 30 feet tall in warm climates. Morning glories are native to the Americas and were introduced into Europe during the 1500s. They are widely grown today because of their showy flowers, which come in various colors, including blue/purple, pink, or white.

Morning glories grow best in full sun or partial shade with moist soil. They can be grown in zones 4-11 and are generally easy to grow.

Purple Vine Plant – Pink Flower Variety

Purple Vine Plant

Purple vine flowers are climbing plants that produce small pink flowers. They are native to the United States and can grow up to 10 feet tall in USDA zones 8-11.

If you're looking for something that will grow quickly and produce many flowers, consider planting some Liatris spicata (Dense Blazing Star). This purple plant is native to the United States and can grow up to two feet tall in USDA zones 3-9. It does best if planted in full sun with well-draining soil.

It's a great plant for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds. It also makes an excellent cut flower, so you can enjoy them indoors all year! If you want something that will produce flowers quickly, try some Sanguinaria Canadensis (Bloodroot).

This perennial grows up to two feet tall in USDA zones 3-9 and does best when planted in full sun with well-draining soil. It has beautiful red flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds!

Wrap Up

Purple vine climbing flowers are beautiful and colorful. Many varieties of purple vines can be grown in your garden. These flowers have a variety of uses, including medicinal and ornamental purposes.
