We will present a list that comprises flower names that start with k, which may wander you with magical words of k. Thousands of flowers and florists find it tough to choose the right one for their lovely lady, from the state flower to the basic flowers.

Also, read on for more information about flower names that start with the letter X and inspirational flower names that begin with other letters of the alphabet.

Flower Names That Start With K - Here is The List We Provide



A flower comes in various colors, shapes, and sizes. The kaleidoscope is well known for its dazzling display of colors. It's hard to resist the temptation to pick one while out on a walk in the woods.



This flowering tree is native to China. The tree produces a large number of flowers that range from white to yellowish-red in color. The plant is especially popular during the Chinese New Year celebrations, which occur every January or February, depending on the lunar calendar.



The kale flower is a beautiful white flower with a yellow center. This flower is known for its rich green color and deep and fragrant scent.



The kalmia plant has small flowers that grow on the tree branches. There are various kalmia plants, including mountain laurel, sheep laurel, and alum root.



The kapok tree produces pods filled with seeds that resemble cotton balls. These pods are used to make pillows and other bedding materials.

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Karwinskia trees are native to Mexico and Central America, but they can also be found growing across the world today. These trees produce small white flowers that smell like vanilla when they bloom in springtime.



The Kalanchoe is a succulent plant. The common variety is the kalanchoe blossfeldiana, which has red and green leaves. People use this plant as an ornamental houseplant because it is easy to care for and can survive without much water. The Kalanchoe is also known as the Mother of Millions because when you cut off one leaf, it will grow into two new plants.

Kangaroo Paw

Kangaroo Paw

The Kangaroo Paw is a small Australian wildflower that grows in Australia's desert and grassland areas. The flower looks like a tennis shoe without laces and has a long narrow tube-like structure with petals that cover part of the tube. They are usually white or cream-colored but can also be pink or red. These flowers bloom during springtime and summertime in Australia.

Types Of Jasmine Flowers - How Many Are There? - Fluerly
If you want to add fragrant flowers to your garden, jasmine is a great choice. It has a beautiful scent, that’s why it’s many people’s first choice in perfumes. Jasmine is used in making medicines, essential oils, and tea.

Karma Flower

Karma Flower

The Karma Flower is also an ombre flower because it has a different color on each petal! Each petal starts light at the base, then gradually gets darker towards the tip of the petal until it reaches its darkest shade at the end of its length.

Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana)


Kalanchoe, or Mother of Thousands, is a succulent plant native to Madagascar. It cultivates as an ornamental plant since 1789. It is often used as a houseplant due to its tolerance for low light and dry air—kalanchoe blooms in spring with beautiful flowers that resemble the sunflower. The name Kalanchoe comes from the Greek word kalakchos, which means "beauty" or "splendor."

Kaleidoscope (Kaleidoscope Hybrid Cacti)


A kaleidoscope is like an instrument of beautiful colors when looked through its tube. This instrument creates an optical effect known as meta-stable equilibrium. A kaleidoscope can be used as a toy, but it can also be used for scientific experiments such as the demonstration of polarization.

The area is likely to become a muddy mess after watering. How do water hanging baskets without a hose? Let's find out.



Kaktus is a plant native to South Africa. The Kaktus flower has long, narrow stems and bears several spikes of small white flowers at its top. This plant was originally given the name "kaktus" by Dutch settlers who believed the plant resembled white hair.



Karma is a type of flower native to Thailand. The Karma flower is a small shrub with bright orange flowers that bloom during springtime. The Karma flower has an intoxicating aroma, which can be enjoyed by humans but not insects or birds because it produces nectar that tastes bitter.



Kasuga is another kind of flower native to Thailand known locally as "mahadee" or "mahadee blossoms." Kasuga blooms during late winter when temperatures rise above freezing point but before most other flowers have started growing again after hibernation.

Visit Our Blog: How Cold is Too Cold For Flowers To Be Outside

Kanaka Maoli (Hawaiian White Ginger)

Kanaka Maoli

This red-flowered ginger plant comes from Hawaii and has fragrant white flowers that bloom during summer. Kanaka Maoli means "native child" in Hawaiian.



The kewpie flower looks like it belongs on your favorite superhero's chest! This beautiful flower comes in many colors, including yellow, pink and white; however, it tends to have more yellow than anything else when grown indoors or outdoors.



Khat is an evergreen shrub with green leaves chewed as a stimulant in East Africa and parts of Arabia. It contains cathinone, an amphetamine-like stimulant similar to amphetamine but weaker and slower-acting.



This plant is an evergreen shrub that produces fragrant flowers. The flowers are white with yellow centers, and they frequently have a reddish tint to them.

Kerria japonica is the most common variety of kerria, but they also come in pink and red varieties. They produce small clusters of flowers that are quite fragrant. The flowers grow on slender stems that rise above the foliage. The leaves are elliptical and glossy and can grow up to 1 foot long. The plant grows best in full sun but will tolerate partial shade as well.

What Eats Lupine Flowers? - A Feast For Culprits - Fluery
Numerous gardens and lawns have lupine plants. Insect outbreaks may do significant damage to such a plant. Lupine is often affected by aphids and blister bugs. Lupine may suffer physical and aesthetic effects from these pests.

The best time to plant this shrub is during the spring or early summer when the soil has warmed up enough for new transplants to take root easily. It would be best if you planted your kerria plants at least 3 feet apart, so they have plenty of room to grow without crowding each other out. The soil where you plan on planting your new kerria should be rich with organic matter like compost or manure because this will help keep it moist while growing roots in the ground.

Kakadu Plum Tree

Kakadu Plum Tree

Kakadu Plum trees are fast-growing and can reach 10 meters in height. The bark of the tree is greyish-brown, but the branches are green. The leaves are oval and slightly pointed at the tip. They grow on a single stem from the branch, alternately along it. The flowers are small and white, with five petals that resemble a star shape. The fruit is round and green, about 3cm in diameter when ripe.

Kei Apple Tree

Kei Apple Tree

The Kei Apple tree is native to South Africa and grows naturally in sandy soils along the coast. It has been cultivated in other parts of Africa since early but was introduced into Europe only recently (in 1857). It is now grown commercially in many parts of southern Europe, California, Australia, and New Zealand.

Key Lime Tree

Key Lime Tree

The Key Lime tree is native to Central America and northern South America. It grows wild on islands off the coast of Florida (Key West), where it was first discovered by Europeans in 1513 by Juan Ponce de Leon during his search for the Fountain of Youth; hence its name, which means "lemon from Cuba." You can also look at various plans for flower pots that you can easily do.

Kiwi Fruit Plant

Kiwi Fruit Plant

Kiwifruit (also called kiwi) is a woody vine species in the genus Actinidia. This fruit's most common cultivar group is oval, about the size of a large hen's egg (5–8 cm / 2–3 in), and green with bright yellow or gold flesh.

The fruit has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.

Kiwifruit is not grown from seeds but cuttings. The plant does not start bearing fruit until three to five years after planting, and it will continue to produce for 10–15 years more.

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