Some flower names that start with the letter "X" are even more unique and rare than some that start with A or B. Read on for more information about flower names that start with the letter "X" and inspirational flower names that begin with other letters of the alphabet. You can also read our detailed blog about flower names.

Flower Names That Start With X - Here Is The List



Xanthosoma species are tropical plants native to South America. Also known as taro and elephant ears, these plants have large leaves and thick tubers. They can grow up to 6 feet tall but usually stay smaller in containers. The leaves can be eaten like spinach or cooked like potatoes.

The flowers resemble small bright yellow dandelions. These are often used in hybridizing because of their strong fragrance and ability to cross-pollinate with other varieties of Xanthosoma.

Xanthoxylum Americanum

Xanthoxylum Americanum

The common name for this tree is American prickly ash or eastern prickly ash. It grows up to 70 feet tall with a short trunk that branches near the top into several smaller trunks.

The bark is grayish-brown, deeply furrowed, and has sharp spines on its branch tips that can cause painful cuts if you brush against them with bare skin. Flowers appear in April and May as white clusters that hang from the branches before turning into berries later in the season.

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A beautiful Greek name that means "yellow" or "bright." Xanthos is a boy's name. It comes from the word xanthos, which means 'yellow' in Greek. The word Xanthos is used to describe flowers like daffodils and buttercups.



Xanthospermum is a genus of flowering plants in the aster family, Asteraceae. It takes its name from Xanthospermum strigosum (synonymous with Helichrysum strigosum), used as herbal medicine by native peoples in South Africa and southern Africa.



The genus Xanthomeria belongs to the family Caryophyllaceae, which contains over 700 species of herbs, shrubs, and subshrubs with opposite leaves and small flowers with four free petals at their base but fused towards their tips giving them an appearance similar to a cross.

The species are found in all tropical regions, especially Africa and Australia. Several species have been cultivated as ornamentals for their attractive flowers. Xanthomeria has been recorded in several countries, including China, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia but not yet from Thailand. The name is derived from Xanthos (yellow) and meros (part).

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Xanthorrhoea is a large genus of perennial rhizomatous plants native to Australia, usually growing in sandy soils in open grassland areas. The genus has about 60 species, including many well-known tall grass types, such as X. preissii (native bluegrass) and X. truncate (blackboy), both of which can grow up to 1m high. Xanthorrhoea has been recorded in several countries, including China, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia but not yet from Thailand.



A flower name that is derived from the name Xavier, which means "new house."

Xaviera is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. It was named in honor of Queen Marie-Hélène de Saxe-Altenburg, wife of King Oscar I of Sweden.

Xaviera is native to tropical Asia and Africa. In Asia, it has been introduced widely. The genus is usually included in the tribe Coffee, though some recent authors treat it as a separate tribe Xenieae. The species are shrubs or small trees growing to 1–12 m tall.

Their leaves are opposite, simple and entire, with a pungent odor when crushed. The flowers are borne in racemes or panicles up to 15 cm long, each flower with five petals and five sepals. The fruit is a two-segmented capsule containing several seeds.

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This is a flower name derived from the Greek word Xenos meaning "stranger" or "guest." The plant received its name because it was thought the flowers would bring good luck to travelers. It has also been used to represent hospitality and friendship.



This plant comes from the Greek word xylon, which means "wood." It was named because of its woody stems.



Xena is a genus of flowering plants in the family Melastomataceae. The genus is named after a character in the television series Xena: Warrior Princess.

Xena is native to the Atlantic coastal plain of North America, from southeastern Virginia south to Florida and west to Louisiana. It prefers moist soil and full sun but can tolerate some shade. The flowers are small, white, and borne in clusters at the tops of the stems. They open in late summer or early fall, attracting hummingbirds and butterflies.

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Xena has become popular as an ornamental plant in gardens because of its showy flowers and compact shape. It can be propagated by seed or cuttings taken from rooted tip cuttings during the growing season (or if kept under glass). To prevent it from becoming weedy, it should not be allowed to reseed itself.



Xylotypos is a genus of flowering plants in the family Nyctaginaceae. It is native to North America. The genus was described by Asa Gray in 1867, and the name Xylotypos comes from the Greek words xylon (wood) and typos (structure).

The plant is a perennial herb that grows in areas with sandstone or limestone soils. It has blue-green leaves and white flowers with five petals. Insects and birds pollinate the flowers.



Xynister is a genus of flowering plants in the family Nyctaginaceae. It contains one species, Xynister dentatum, found in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. This plant grows best in full sun or partial shade with moist but well-drained soil. It can be propagated from seeds or cuttings, although seeds are easier to collect.



Xylocopa is the genus name for carpenter bees. Carpenter bees are large, hairy bees that resemble bumblebees. They have black bodies and yellow-and-black striped abdomens. The males have longer, hairier antennae than the females. Xylocopa tabaniformis is commonly known as the carpenter bee because it burrows into dead wood to make nests for its young. Xylocopa tranquebarica is native to Southeast Asia and India but has spread throughout the world and established populations in North America.



Xylonocephalus is a genus of plants in the family Araceae, consisting of three species native to South America, including Xylonocephalus ekmanii (synonym Xanthosoma ekmanii), which is often called "elephant ear" or "jack-in-the-pulpit."

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Some flowers are grown in greenhouses, where the underground stems and roots are bigger so new plants can grow. Gardeners often use the word “bulb” for all underground plant parts, even though there are many different kinds.



Xuan-Zang is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae. It is found in western China, Bhutan, and the eastern Himalayas. The type species for this genus is "Xuan-Zang" (="Rhododendron cinnabarine" var. "xuanzhangii")

The species are shrubs or small trees up to 8 m tall. The leaves are elliptic to ovate, up to 10 cm long. The flowers are in racemes of up to 40 each and have five sepals and five petals. They are bright red to orange or yellowish-green. The fruit is a capsule with four chambers that splits into four parts when ripe.


Flower Names That Start With X

Xylobium is a genus of flowering plants in the Asparagaceae subfamily Nolinoideae. It contains 2 species, native to Mexico and Central America.

Xyris Difformis

Flower Names That Start With X

Xyris difformis is a species of grass known by the common names southern yellow-eyed grass and southern yellow-eyed xyris. It is native to North America, widespread across much of Mexico and the United States, from California to Mississippi to Florida.

This plant grows in moist areas such as marshes and meadows. It is an annual or perennial herb growing 10 centimeters to over half a meter tall. The inflorescence is a raceme of up to 25 flowers with yellow petals, each about half a centimeter long. The fruit is an oval-shaped capsule about half a centimeter long containing many seeds.

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